Due to weather, the Utah Softball game on Thursday, March 20 has been canceled. Ticket holders can flex to another home game—call (801) 581-8849 for assistance.

MUSS Tickets


Students are allowed to claim one student and 3 guest tickets for all home lacrosse games. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App. Tickets must be claimed online through the link below. All seating is General Admission


Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.


claim muss BaseBALL Tickets

Students are allowed free entry for themselves plus three guests for all home baseball games played at Smith’s Ballpark. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App. Tickets must be claimed online through the link below. All seating is General Admission.

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.


Students are allowed free entry for themselves plus three guests for all home Softball games played at Dumke Family Softball Stadium. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App. Tickets must be claimed online through the link below. All seating is General Admission.

claim muss SOFTBALL Tickets

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.


Students are allowed to claim one student and one guest tickets for home gymnastics meets. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App.

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.

Women’s Basketball

Students are allowed one free ticket and up to 3 guests for all women’s basketball home games. All tickets will be digital and can be accessed using the Utah Tickets App. Tickets must be claimed online through the link below.

claim muss WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Tickets

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.

men’s basketball

claim muss MEN’S BASKETBALL TickeTS

  • A limited number of  MUSS Season tickets will be put online for students to claim tickets to all games.
  • All other students can claim their tickets online on a game-by-game basis

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.


Reserved seats for the MUSS Season sold out on Friday, March 29, 2024. All registrations placed after that date will be in standing room only and will NOT have a seat reserved for them. MUSS SEASON STANDING ROOM ONLY IS ALSO SOLD OUT.

Single-game football tickets will be available the Monday before each game. The MUSS will post a link on its social media channels, allowing MUSS members to claim single-game tickets. Make sure you follow them to stay up-to-date on when they become available!

All MUSS football season tickets have been added to the Utah Tickets Ticketmaster accounts. To access your tickets, sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account.

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets. Please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.

By registering for the 2024 MUSS Premium Membership, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Seating is based on priority number and is subject to change when priority number changes due to the addition of other group members (e.g., if someone in June joins a group in which most members joined in April, the priority number will be pushed back).
  • There are NO REFUNDS, and all sales are final.
  • Student tickets are not transferrable.
  • All tickets are digital. Use the Utah Tickets App or the web browser account manager to access tickets.
  • You will receive emails from The MUSS for as long as you are a MUSS member.
  • Failure to pick up your shirt by the SECOND HOME GAME or another specified date determined by the MUSS Board and communicated to all MUSS members will result in the loss of your season tickets and, ultimately, the loss of your MUSS membership.
  • Non-fee-paying students (such as those in Continuing Education) may be required to pay guest fees depending on their enrollment status at the beginning of the football season.
  • By joining The MUSS, you agree to abide by all policies and procedures set forth by The MUSS Board.
  • The MUSS Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate membership for inappropriate or disgraceful behavior.
  • All Members of The MUSS must be willing to have a good time and cheer our team on to victory.


Students are allowed to claim one student and 3 guest tickets for all home volleyball matches. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App.  All seating is General Admission.

claim muss volleyball tickets

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.

WOMEN’S Soccer

Students are allowed to claim one student and 3 guest tickets for all home soccer games. Student tickets are digital and can be accessed through the Utah Tickets App. Tickets must be claimed online through the link below. All seating is General Admission

claim muss soccer tickets

Sign in with your student MUSS ticketing account

  • Make sure you are logged into your correct Ticketmaster login using your CIS email. Example [email protected]
  • Do not sign in using your umail.utah.edu email address. Student ticketing accounts are created by default using your [email protected] email format.
  • If the student ticket offer is not available after signing in, your account may not be recognized as eligible for student tickets – please call/text the ticket office at (801) 581-8849 for assistance.
Account Representatives

Your account representative is your personal connection to Utah Athletics and can help with all of your athletic ticket sales and Crimson Club athletic fund needs.

Contact Us Support Request

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